Kefir Making

Kefir Making

I have been a little lost on how to make kefir, I thought there was a long process of cultivating the grains over a few day but I just found this lovely youtube clip on how to make kefir.  It is so easy and so beneficial for gut health.  I add it to smoothies, it is a little fizzy tasting from the fermentation. 

I make mine up daily for my next smoothie the next day.  I also use organic milk but fresh milk from the farm is the ultimate.  Naturalea Organic Whole Milk from the supermarket or dairy if living in New Zealand is excellent.   

Enjoy the clip below and thanks for putting such a simple clip up.  Easy Peasy!!

My basic smoothie recipe

1/6 th of a pineapple into chunks
1 banana
1 cup of berries frozen or fresh
1 heaped teaspoon of spirulina
1/2 cup of kefir or more
Apple juice
2 teaspoons of chai seeds soaked in a glass of water over night
1 teaspoon of coconut oil melted

Place in blender with liquid covering3 cm above the fruit etc, blend makes around 2 - 3 glasses.


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