Oven Temperature Conversions

110 - 140 Degrees Celsius = 225 - 275 Degrees Fahrenheit = 1/4 - 1 Gas Mark = Slow Oven

150 - 160 Degrees Celsius = 300 - 325 Degrees Fahrenheit = 2-3 Gas Mark = moderately slow

180 - 190 Degrees Celsius = 350 - 375 Degrees Fahrenheit = 4-5 Gas Mark = moderate

190 - 220 Degrees Celsius = 375 - 425  Degrees Fahrenheit = 5-6  Gas Mark = moderately hot

220 - 230 Degrees Celsius = 425 - 450 Degrees Fahrenheit = 6-8  Gas Mark = hot

250 - 260 Degrees Celsius = 475 - 500 Degrees Fahrenheit = 9-10  Gas Mark = very hot

Quick Look Oven Conversions

160 C = 325 F
180 C = 350 F
190 C = 375 F
200 C = 400 F


Meringues, Pavlova - 110 - 140 C
Custards, milk pudding, shortbread, rich fruit cakes, casseroles, slow roasting 150 - 160 C
Biscuits, large and small cakes  180 - 190 C
Roasting, sponges, muffins, short pastry 190 - 220 C
Flaky pastry, scones, browning toppings 220 - 230 C
Puff pastry 250 - 260 C

Bottom of oven - use for slow cooking and low temperature cooking
Middle of oven - for moderate temperature cooking
Above middle - for quick cooking and high temperature cooking
Ovens vary from oven to oven you know your one best.


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