Blogger Issues

I haven't been able to post for the last couple of days because blogger is having issues and not allowing many blog writers to write there blogs which is extremely frustrating. So if a few of your other favourite sites haven't blogged for a couple of days and this is out of the norm this could be the reason.

Anyway I am now using the old edition of blogger and it seems to be working. So I will be publishing my pancake recipe (a few days late) and other bits and bobs later today. If any of you are experiencing the same problems on your blog go to "settings" then scroll down to "Select Post Editor" then choose "old editor" and this fixes the problem kinda. You are now on the old format but can post which is great!.

It seems that you can't upload your images from your web album on this format though but hopefully they sort the problem and we will be all back to normal soon.




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