Seared teriyaki beef with thai crispy noodles
This recipe like a lot of Asian recipes can be prepared a head of time, the ingredients then cooked off quickly and the dish served immediately. Great for guest and crew alike and these types of dishes save on the washing up with just a chopping board, knife, wok, chop sticks and bowl. Apparently the style of quick cooking stir-fry came about due to the fact there was a lack of firewood and coal in China therefore food was sliced into small pieces to cook quickly and conserve this limited resource. Interesting and so practical!. Anyway here is the recipe which originates from Thailand so I guess there was a lack of coal and firewood there too lol!
Seared teriyaki beef with Thai crispy noodles
450g rump steak
Teriyaki sauce to coat steak
180g rice vermicelli (one packet)
groundnut oil for frying noodles plus stir-frying
8 spring onions
2 garlic cloves crushed
2 large or 4 small carrots julienne
1 fresh red chillie, seeded and finely sliced or can used jarred chillie
2 small courgettes
1 teaspoon of finely chopped fresh root ginger
3 tablespoons of rice vinegar
6 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 cups of stock vege, chicken or beef is fine
Beat steak between to sheets of glad wrap to 2.5 cm thick if not already this thick. Place in shallow glass dish and brush or spoon a generous amount of teriyaki sauce on to each side and marinate for a least 4 hours.
Pour oil into large wok to the depth of 5 cm and heat. Pull apart rice vermicelli into smaller clumps (this can get a bit messy). In batches place into wok when oil is heated to a temp where the vermicelli cooks as soon as it is placed in the oil, (test a strand first). The vermicelli will cook instantly, then flip over and cook 2 seconds on the other side. Transfer to warmed serving dish with paper towel to drain on to.
Remove oil from the wok, and then place 1 tablespoon of oil back into cleaned wok. Heat wok to the oil is hot, sear the steak 30 seconds a side until brown, (oil/marinade will sizzle be careful). Remove set aside to rest and cut into thin slices after 3-5 minutes.
Add 1 tablespoon of oil and stir-fry the carrots and garlic for 3 minutes then add the courgettes, spring onion, chillie, ginger. The vegetables will be coated with a glaze of the teriyaki sauce stir-fry for another 2 minutes.
Place rice vinegar, soy sauce and stock into the wok with the vege mix and cook for 4 minutes or until sauce had reduced a little and become thicker. Place sliced rump steak back into wok and cook 2 minutes.
Place noodles into wok but reserve some noodles for garnishing the top of each dish. Very very lightly toss vegetable, beef and noodles together. Divide into bowls and top with crispy noodles and coriander if desired. Serve at once other wise noodle will not remain crisp.
Note: I added spinach into my stir-fry since I didn't have any courgettes on hand, therefore you can adapt this recipe to what you have in your stores. Eg. use white onion instead of spring onion.
If wishing for a healthier option, soak vermicelli noodles in hot water for 5 - 10 minutes until soft and separating. Therefore missing out the frying of the noodles which can be dangerous at sea.
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